Have you ever broken up with a friend?

I need some serious relationship counseling. Scratch that. No, this is nothing serious, and it even doesn't bother as much as my unfinished readings so there's no need to talk to a therapist. But guess I could use a friend.

Hey, but I chose to write this rambling piece of shit instead of talking to a real person ... because people are buzy? And I haven't written something in English for so long (one of the perks of doing Honours Econ instead of Normal Econ, with all due respect). By the way the format of lofter is insane - How could it just break a word into two parts while you're typing without realizing IT'S ONE WORD.

One of the side effects of reading too much fanfics is that it makes you want to use with captial, bold or italics letters within your writing, which is obviously lame if you actually want to wirte something. But y'know, this is nothing that matters and none of my profs would read it.

Yeah so I've tried to post the problem on my social media before, in the hope of receiving help or advice, or just attention, knowing that no one could really help with it except for myself. But my mind doesn't act according to my will, and I'm pretty sure the whole problem here is I've been idle these days, such that I have had time to think about - that's not true. The thoughts just came into my mind out of nowhere, and the frequency seems to increase thses couple of days.

This morning when I was reading this fantastic fanfic, where the writer mentioned the "emergency contact", and it occured to me that she's still my emergency contact and I started to consider if I should change it to someone else. The answer was positive.

Okay, so there was no big deal, no dramas going on, no heart breaking or losing faith in your "could be" best friend in college. Wait, I'll hold onto the last one. Just to add a bit more flavor into the situation, I used to have a crush on her, well, something more serious than a crush. Never mind, been there, done that.

I think I'm going to stop it here because I'm strarving. No promises to update in case anyone would care. But if you wanna be a sweet caring friend and don't mind wasting half an hour or so, ask me about it.



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